How to Incorporate Gingerbread Activities in Your Kindergarten Classroom

As we move through October, it’s time to sprinkle a little gingerbread magic into your classrooms! Trust me, the next six weeks will zoom by, so let’s get creative and prepare for a week full of fun!
I have a whole Gingerbread Week BUNDLE with everything you need for reading, writing, and craft time.
Here’s how to create a magical gingerbread experience for your learners:
1. Compare and Contrasting each story
Kick off each day by reading a different version of a gingerbread story. You’ll compare characters, settings, endings, and refrains. I’ve got all the resources ready, including anchor charts and cards to make this engaging and interactive! 😍
2. BME Review:
Don’t forget to review the basics of BME (Beginning, Middle, End)! If you have time, I’ve prepared practice pages to reinforce these concepts in a fun and meaningful way.
3. Writing Time:
Encourage creativity by having your students write their own gingerbread stories! I have differentiated books, directed drawings, and rough draft pages to help them express their imagination and storytelling skills.
4. Crafty Fun
Incorporate various gingerbread-themed crafts and additional activities to keep the creativity flowing. These hands-on projects will be a hit with the kids!
5. Dramatic Play Center:
Transform your dramatic play area into a gingerbread bakery! This immersive experience will allow children to role-play AND expose your students to real pictures and make real world connections… all through play!
6. Disguise a Gingerbread Man, make traps and MORE!
This Gingerbread Unit is jam packed with activities to use all December long, this Gingerbread Disguise was a hit last year!
Let’s make this Gingerbread Week unforgettable for our students. Happy planning! 🫶✨