How to Create an Independent Writing Center in Your Kindergarten Classroom

There comes a point in the kindergarten school year where your students need to go from labeling with first sounds only, to labeling with full words using invented spelling, to writing full sentences. Most of the time, your students hit these milestones at different points in the year. And you, as just one person, may seriously struggle to keep track of where all your students are and provide them with the proper resources to continue to grow.
That is precisely why I’ve created a Writing Center in my classroom. This became a constant space in my room for students to go to and write without any pressure, at their level, and about a topic that was engaging and fun!
Introducing The Kindergarten Writing Center Bundle!!!
Here’s What You Gotta Do!
Grab the Kindergarten Writing Center Bundle, it includes everything you need for the WHOLE year. Then download the Writing Center Starter Pack (included in this bundle). Now create a little spot in your classroom. You definitely will want a bulletin board that students can reach! You’ll need to display the picture cards, some examples, and a couple of anchor charts.
You can use this center as something students use independently or in small groups, decide what you think you’ll do and make sure there is a proper-sized table near the bulletin.
Next, introduce the center to your students! I would do this whole group. Practice using the center all together, model the expectations, and be sure everything is explicitly explained. Show them how to pick a worksheet (or where to find the option you provide), pull a picture card, and label or write. Don’t forget to model putting the cards back!
Once you’ve practiced and practiced, you will be ready to add this to your rotations. If you are lucky enough to have an extra adult in the room, this is a great one to have them at. If not, revisit those expectations often. You won’t need to totally reteach this center because every activity and monthly theme is set up the same way!!
Here is what is included!
As I mentioned before, you will find the Writing Center Starter Pack in the bundle so that you can get your writing center all set up!
Then you will find themed bundles for each month of the school year (August to May) and 5 more themed bundles to use as you see fit! Within each of those bundles, you’ll get an extensive set of word cards with real-life pictures, a sentence chart, 4 different writing paper options, and 3 different options for students to practice writing letters to friends or family!
I’ve also included options for Spanish and French teachers!
What if my students aren’t ready to write full sentences?
No worries! I have included a few things that will help you in this situation. First, the picture cards are a HUGE resource for students who aren’t quite sounding out words by themselves. Second, the sentence anchor chart will give your students options for themed sentences to copy or start with. Third, you can combine these resources and give your students their own sentence starters. For example, in November you may write, “ I love to eat _______”. Students will write this sentence on their writing paper of choice and grab a picture card to fill in the blank.
For students who aren’t ready to copy full sentences, you can have them simply make a list of November words! List paper is provided as well!
How much prep does this center take?
When you are first getting set up there will be some printing, cutting, and laminating to do. If you want to use this year to year, take the time to print the picture cards IN COLOR, cut them out, and laminate them. You will have to do this each time you switch out the theme but next year, all you will need to do is grab and go!
The worksheets themselves are print and go! So once the setup is over, it is pretty quick.
How can I get started?
Read this blog post with some more tips, tricks, and reasons this bundle is AMAZING! Then head over to my TpT Store and grab the bundle. The Kindergarten Writing Center Bundle is definitely the way to go because you will get everything you need for the whole year and it gives you the best bang for your buck!
If you want to try it out first, you can grab just one of the monthly themes! Here is a link to the November Writing Center which is filled with cute, fun, and developmentally appropriate Thanksgiving-themed resources!