What to do after completing ThatKinderMama's Illustration Unit

what to do in kindergarten writing after finishing the Illustration Unit is to start with a labeling unit

If you have completed my Illustration Unit and are wondering what to do next - I got it covered for you!

For the past month, your students have been focusing on drawing with shapes, coloring their entire picture and adding details in their drawings.

The next step in the writing process is to LABEL. The worst thing you can do in kindergarten is just have them “go off and write”. Kindergarteners need EXPLICIT instruction.

My Labeling Unit helps kindergarten students to become confident in their labeling and sentence structure skills. They will learn how to label phonetically by listening to the sounds they hear and towards the end of the unit practice writing a sentence with their labels.

The best part of my Labeling Unit is that students will still being doing the same process as they did in the Illustration Unit: draw a picture and color BUT they will add another step to the process and LABEL their picture. 

This allows students the chance to build on their skill and confidence before we just have them write entire stories independently. Remember, we go slow in the beginning of the year so we can go SO much faster at the end of the year. 

These lessons build upon each other and contain engaging activities like labeling the teacher, your classroom AND still have fun, shape only directed drawings like in my Illustration Unit!

Towards the end of the unit, you will introduce sentence stems. Students will draw their picture, label and then choose a sentence stem and copy their label.

This explicit instruction allows them time to focus on properly writing a sentence with a capital letter, finger space and punctuation. Later on in the year, they will write more creative and independent sentences but right now the focus is on HOW to write a sentence correctly.

Need more labeling practice than just this unit? You can incorporate labeling during your reading centers with my Phonics Labeling No Prep Pages or my fun Monthly Labeling Pages

Want more writing help for the entire year? I have a complete Kindergarten Writing Curriculum that has been used in over 10,000 classroom!