My Favorite IKEA Products in the Kindergarten Classroom

I don’t know if it is a blessing or a curse to live less than 10 minutes away from IKEA but I have been obsessed with this store for forever. Here are my favorite IKEA furniture to use in the classroom. Full disclosure this was bought over TIME and some was with PTO money. I started collecting pieces of furniture like this after my 5th year of teaching. No where close to what my classroom looked like my first couple years! Also Facebook Marketplace is a great place to look for these items.
Kallax bench
This bench is PERFECT to sit on during whole group lessons. I honestly like my bench better than my rocking chair since I was right in the middle of the group instead of off to the side. Inside the bench are seasonal read-alouds - you can easily train your kids to just not touch these!
Trofast Storage
On both sides of my bench are Trofast storage bins. I 10/10 recommend this for ANYONE in a classroom or even just a mom trying to organize your toys. The bins are super durable, 5 year olds can put them away themselves and it looks aesthetically pleasing! The right side holds 9 different morning toys that students play with in the morning (instead of morning work) and often they go for these during play centers and indoor recess too! The left side is teaching materials, white boards and expo markers. It makes it so easy to keep so many things organized in the front of your room. You could also use the bins to create differentiated reading center bins!
Play Kitchen and table
If you’re tight on space, this kitchen is perfect for you! You can even take off the doors to create more of a market stand feel if you want to switch up your play kitchen. I love using my Dramatic Play Bundle to keep students engaged every month in this play center! The table I have is super affordable too!
Flisat Sensory Bin
Listen, I am so obsessed with this sensory table - I even have 2 in my own house for my own toddlers! I love that you can put the tops back on and make it back into a table. You can use it as a sensory bin but I would definitely have one student to each bin because they aren’t super big to have multiple in one bin. You can keep your students engaged during reading centers by using a Monthly Sensory Bin Bundle. Students find a letter/sight word/CVC word and record it on differentiated sheets. Swap out every month and they’ll be instantly engaged again!
Like I said, I didn’t go out and buy this all at once - and I truly hope you don’t either! Keep your eye out on second hand stores and remember this if you are lucky enough to get PTO money in the fall!